
Showing posts from June, 2020


Addicts are people who use any kind of mood altering or mood changing substance which causes a problem in any area of their life. Their life and thinking is centered in drugs in one or the other form - the getting, using and findings ways and means to get more. Very simply, an addict is a man or women controlled by drugs.  They isolate themselves from people and loved ones when they use and try and find ways to get more. Self seeking, hostile, resentful they cut themselves from the outside world. They use, misuse and abuse drugs and still don't consider themselves as addicts. They say to themselves "I can handle it." Drugs make them feel good, they manipulate and try to control everything around them. The conscience and the ability to love is affected by drugs.                                                They have a pattern of selective thinking and remember good drug experiences. The capacity to feel human is lost, living skills reduce to animal level. They lack the a


Addiction is a Illness which involves more than the use of Drugs and expresses itself in ways that are anti- social and that makes detection, diagnosis and treatment difficult.  Addiction is a permanent,relapsing,complex Brain disease as per WHO.A common misconception is that addiction  is a choice or a moral problem,and all you have to do is stop.  But nothing could be further from the truth, t he brain actually changes with addiction, and it takes a good deal of work to get it back to its normal state. The more drugs or alcohol you’ve taken, the more disruptive it is to the brain.                                                          It's important to note that the inability to control the usage of drugs is the symptom of the Disease of Addiction. Addiction is a Permanent,Progressive,Powerful,Incurable illness which can be Arrested. Addiction is a  Physical, Mental & Spiritual illness which affects every area of an Individual's life:  1.Physical The physical aspect of


As per Buddhism, Addiction can be described as a severe type of attachment. The driving force behind it is the human desire to avoid pain and experience pleasure.   Addiction is a   chronic,  compulsive, physiological or psychological need for a habit-forming substance, behavior, or activity having harmful physical, psychological, or social effects.                                                                                     Most people start using a drug or first engage in an activity voluntarily.   However, addiction can take over and reduce self-control. A person who has not yet developed an addiction may be put off further use by the harmful side effects of substance abuse. For example, vomiting or waking up with a hangover  after drinking too much alcohol may deter some people from drinking that amount anytime soon... People with addiction lose control over their actions. They crave and seek out drugs, alcohol, or other substances no matter what the cost—even at the risk of